

We would like to congratulate the new owners of Dawn of the Moon aka "Davy"

Selling a beloved horse pulls at our heart strings 

and it is so reassuring and important to find a new 

owner, or owners who love them and will care

for them as we have. 

You have been there for me through the worst of times.  Listened to me cry and rant and was my shoulder to lean on. 

Most people will think this status is silly and I don't care. 

You may say it's just a horse but that's like saying it's just a friend.

Today I go and sign my horsey over to his new home. 

I took the time to find you a good one where you will be loved but it 

doesn't take the hurt out of saying goodbye. 

You will always be my boy.

     Horses Leave Hoof Prints on our Hearts!    


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